12/19/2005 09:47:00 AM|W|P|KaNisa|W|P| Friends and Lovers Eric Jerome Dickey Friends and Lovers tells the story of two sets of friends. Both sets grew up together, attended, the same schools, and did much to maintain the close bond they always had. After being burned by too many of the wrong males, Shelby carries the weight of all who have wronged her in a bag of cynicism. Her best friend Debra, learning from her past mistakes, vows never again to have premarital relations in order to avoid being hurt. Leonard is a up and coming comedian who works with computers by day, and hits the comedy clubs at night. His friend Tyrel is a rising star at a local computer company. The lives of these four friends cross, making a picturesque kind of love for one couple, and a emotional roller coaster for the other… I’ve read Dickey before, and I wasn’t impressed. When I told a friend her favorite author didn’t really toss my cookies, she was taken aback and shoved this book in my face. I was ehh….I MIGHT read it… Started last night around midnight… Finished this morning around four…. Oh it was emotional! I laughed, I cried. I could identify with so many of the situations: How hard it is to find a person who wants to be celibate How hard it is to STAY celibate when you’re in love and in a relationship with someone How hard it is to break up with someone you love What it’s like to have the defensive “keep everything light and on the surface” attitude about males… I liked the style Dickey wrote this one in…it had more humor and was more to the point than Genevieve’s forced introspectiveness. I could see so much of myself in Shelby with the way she spoke and acted. Here are one of the lines I felt were particularly great: "But you do like men, right?” “They are a necessary nuisance.” Might have to add that to my repertoire. Then the love scenes moved me every time. Some of the phrases were so identifiable and/or so beautiful: This is Debra experiencing a potential weak moment with Leonard: I was scared of the weakness brought on by what I felt. I wasn’t ashamed to let him see the drops of fear. Because now the line, that line seemed so obvious, where it had been thick an wide, now it felt so thin and narrow. Easy to cross. Too easy to cross. We were standing on top of it, waiting to fall one way or the other. What I felt was so basic. Couldn’t be intellectualized. It was too primitive. Too much of what we were made of. Too much of what I wanted but was afraid to allow… During I Tyrel/Shelby scene Then I was him and he was me… Oh and don’t even start me on this one part I don’t want to talk about because it might spoil the book…let’s just say, if you ever read it, it involves Leonard and Debra…beautiful…just beautiful. I suppose I might at least start to read a brother’s book jacket next time I see one in a store...|W|P|113501651635099150|W|P||W|P|ARhythmChild@gmail.com