8/23/2005 11:15:00 AM|W|P|KaNisa|W|P| Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince JK Rowling

Oh wow and oh my! Word of advice: DO NOT read this book until the next one comes out… This chapter of the Harry Potter saga follows the gang as they enter their sixth year at Hogwarts. Typical of sixteen year olds, their time at school offers new crushes, sports, and normal Hogwarts happenings. Separate from this though, it seems that the headmaster Dumbledore is often away doing something no one knows about. Harry also discovers a marked textbook who once belonged to the mysterious Half Blood Prince. Using it to help him through his Potions class, Harry learns jinxis and potions to help him with everyday life. Because of the prophecy made in the last book, Harry has an even higher level of awareness in the magic community. He has been marked as the “Chosen One,” destined to be Voldermont’s equal, the only one who can kill or be killed by him. With this new responsibility, he takes private lessons from Dumbledore in which he learns more about Voldermont and how he came to be the evil threat against to life everywhere. I have to say, this book is much darker than the others…and there is one event, a death, you absolutely will not believe if you’ve been a follower of the series… It’s been a while since I’ve read about Mr. Potter, but you better believe I will be one of the first people in line to get the next one!

|W|P|112482177863895304|W|P||W|P|ARhythmChild@gmail.com8/19/2005 06:40:00 PM|W|P|KaNisa|W|P|I know I've been slacking...here's the status of those books I said I was going to read... The House of God - Samuel Shem I got through to about a third of this book. It was a lot like that show Grey's Anatomy, but there wasn't really a plotline. It was just about this character's first year of residency at a highly respected teaching hospital. He purged his stress by engaging in sexual escapades with the local curvaceous nurse. It was okay for a while, but it kept going on and on with nothing really going on, had to quit it. Star - Pamela Anderson Supposedly this was a semi-autobiography. Once again, I couldn't finish it. It was like "she went to the store" "he hit me" "I am innocent and naive". That woman is neither innocent, nor naive. I believe she is actually quite intelligent. A shame that the world has pegged her as a ditz, and that she plays into it. The Good Wife Strikes Back - Elizabeth Buchan Didn't even start it. The Exorcist - William Peter Blatty Pretty much the movie. It also read kind of dull though. The most terrifying scenes from the movie were described in a way that was so lacking...the director really had vision. I know I'm kind of lame for not finishing these books, but I promise a real review is coming. I'm reading the latest Harry Potter. I read a few chapters before going to bed every night, which usually is later than I intend as I keep saying "one more chapter, gah what happens next?! okay for real one more chapter..."|W|P|112450248440357546|W|P||W|P|ARhythmChild@gmail.com